Almost a blank canvas

So Bubba's smoker was a 500 gallon propane tank that had been cut in half- his boss took one side and Bubba kept one side for himself.  He mounted it on an old jet ski trailer and started a firebox (no door).  Nothing else had been done.   The tires were dry rotted from sitting in the pasture so long.  The inside of the tank was severely rusted.  It had no tow lights.  It only had one tow chain, and it was held together with a padlock.  There wasn't a trailer jack so it took a tractor to lift it to put it on my truck hitch.

But Bubba did have some expanded metal that he was going to use for the grill and also a quarter sheet of flat metal he was planning for the door- oh, and a 4" wide chrome plated smoke stack.   He said it was all the materials I would need to finish- which I suspected wasn't true, but I had big dreams and even bigger expectations.  I made the deal and limped down the road at 15mph, grill in tow to buy new tires and get it home.


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